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Mountain to Sound Greenway Trust Volunteer Program Outreach Associate

Seattle, WA

The Volunteer Program Outreach Associate will be heavily involved in the maintenance and growth of public involvement and stewardship in the Mountains to Sound Greenway. The Volunteer Program currently includes several hundred volunteer events each year conducting tree planting, invasive plant removal, trail work and other enhancements on public lands in the corridor. These events include regular weekend events, camping trips for youth and specialized events for groups. This Associate will work with a dynamic, creative, growing team to increase recruitment, develop outreach strategies and coordinate current and future events for the public. The Outreach Associate will be integrally involved in outreach, recruitment, registration, and recognition in order to develop a strong, growing volunteer program that supports conservation work along the Mountains to Sound Greenway. There will also be opportunities to develop independent projects to meet the Associates and the Greenways shared interest and needs.

This position is ideal for an outgoing, energetic, organized individual with experience working with the public and a passion for the outdoors.

Learn more about this position: www.nwserviceacademy.org

To Apply send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Complete an AmeriCorps application at https://my.americorps.gov/mp/login.do

Questions? Call 509-395-3465




Stephanie Ludlow

Recruitment Coordinator

NWSA - Mt. Adams Center

2453 HWY 141

Trout Lake, WA 98650

T (509) 395-3465

F (509)395-3689



