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Coos Watershed Community Support Developer Americorps Internship

Coos Watershed Association

Coos Watershed Community Support Developer, Charleston, OR

This position will build a ‘Friends of the Coos Watershed’ support group for the Coos Watershed Association that will increase the effectiveness and sustainability of our science-based watershed restoration program in the local community. The three goals, listed in priority order, for the intern's work are to: (a) Build the Friends of the Coos Watershed group through networking with organizers of similar groups, neighborhood meetings with residents, and a membership drive (50%); (b) Provide direct outreach to the local community through public events, publications, and our website (30%); and (c) Effectively sustain the outreach program through financial management and performance measurement (20%).

Learn more about this position: www.nwserviceacademy.org

To Apply send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Complete an AmeriCorps application at https://my.americorps.gov/mp/login.do

Questions? Call 509-395-3465

Stephanie Ludlow

Recruitment Coordinator

NWSA - Mt. Adams Center

2453 HWY 141

Trout Lake, WA 98650

T (509) 395-3465

F (509)395-3689

