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Returning Veterans announces new training
The Spiritual Experience and Unconscious Response To War
When: Saturday, November 15, 2008, 9:30am to 12:45pm
Where: Portland State University, Room 228
Presenters: Diane Steinbrecher, LCSW, and Shannon Pernetti
Fee: $40 (free to providers and volunteers of Returning Veterans)
CEU: 3 hours, additional $25 fee
Registration form available at http://returningveterans.org/images/Trainingregistration.pdf
(You may also contact us by email, [email protected], or telephone, 503-402-1717, to request a registration form by mail.)
Learning Objectives:
* The archetype of war and the spiritual experiences that war provides. * How the brain processes and the psyche defends itself in the face of traumatic experiences. * How the unconscious dramatically shapes the unfolding course of a person's life after having faced the moral dilemmas that our current wars create. * War's unconscious effect on our civilian population. * What is needed for true healing. * What you will find in clinical practice and the clinical interventions needed.
Suggested Reading: 'War and the Soul' by Edward Tick, Ph.D.
About the Presenters: Diane Steinbrecher, LCSW, and Shannon Pernetti are dedicating this training to facilitating an understanding of the unconscious effects of war on the human psyche. They are Certified Archetypal Pattern Analysts in private practice in Portland, Oregon, Faculty of the Assisi Institute of Archetypal Pattern Analysis in Vermont, and co-lead Archetypal Pattern Analysis Trainings. They have both practiced since 1970. Shannon Pernetti is a founding Board member of Returning Veterans (formerly Returning Veterans Resource Project NW).