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Internship - Snohomish Conservation District

Snohomish Conservation District

Habitat Restoration Intern - AmeriCorps

Lake Stevens, WA

Service Dates: 1/12/2009 – 11/202009


The Habitat Restoration Intern is a key position for coordinating the District’s outreach to teachers and students in the school system. Working with the Outreach Coordinator, the Intern will contact schools and offer fun, creative presentations that will increase the student’s knowledge of natural resources and encourage their participation in habitat enrichment and water quality projects. The intern will work with teachers to increase the learning capacity of students, participation of adult volunteers and continuity of the environmental education program. Working with two Habitat Specialists, the Intern will assist with on-the ground implementation of restoration projects such as riparian plantings, in-stream work, control of invasive weeds, and volunteer coordination. The intern will assist the Water Quality Coordinator with setting up monitoring sites, collection of data, identification of insects and recording of data. The Intern may also participate in community outreach and education events such as Earth Day and local festivals.


Learn more about this position: www.nwserviceacademy.org


To Apply send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Complete an AmeriCorps application at https://my.americorps.gov/mp/login.do


Questions? Call 509-395-3465




Stephanie Ludlow

Recruitment Coordinator

NWSA - Mt. Adams Center

2453 HWY 141

Trout Lake, WA 98650

T (509) 395-3465

F (509)395-3689



