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Mt. Hood National Forest

Community Stewardship Coordinator (4 AmeriCorps positions available)

Clackamas, Zigzag, Barlow and Hood River Ranger Districts

The Community Stewardship Interns will assist district personnel, managers and local partners in the planning and implementation of various community engagement/volunteer projects on the districts. This will include volunteer management, recruitment, tracking and safety oversight. The Intern will also assist local communities with developing conservation education projects that promote understanding of natural resources including fire, wildlife, fisheries, botany and silviculture. The intern will assist district personnel in the accomplishment of program projects by arranging volunteer and community stewardship work days and projects. The intern will work with Forest volunteer coordinators and project managers to utilize existing volunteer groups and organizations to accomplish work. Volunteer and partner recruitment for specific Forest work projects and events will be necessary. Coordinating between many partners may be required for a project accomplishment.  

Ability to speak Spanish or Russian a plus!


Learn more about this position: www.nwserviceacademy.org


To Apply send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Complete an AmeriCorps application at https://my.americorps.gov/mp/login.do


Questions? Call 509-395-3465



Stephanie Ludlow

Recruitment Coordinator

NWSA - Mt. Adams Center

2453 HWY 141

Trout Lake, WA 98650

T (509) 395-3465

F (509)395-3689


