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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Volunteer for Green Empowerment 12-1pm Thurs., 23 Oct.
Practice your handwriting while making someone feel special! Green Empowerment writes thank you letters by hand, and we'd just be over the moon if you had a lunchtime to help. Brown bag your noontime repast, head on over to Green Empowerment's office, and try your fist for a good cause. Thank you!!
Green Empowerment 140 SW Yamhill St. Portland, OR 97204
This Thursday 12pm - 1pm
For more information, contact steph routh: 503.284.5774; [email protected]
-- Stephanie Routh Resource Development Coordinator GREEN EMPOWERMENT 140 SW Yamhill St. Portland, OR 97204 P: 503.284.5774 F: 503.460.0450 www.greenempowerment.org [email protected]
Light up someone's life! Bring water to rural villages! Community-based, renewable energy projects protect rainforests and improve health and education globally. Donate now and support sustainable, long-lasting change. www.greenempowerment.org