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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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North by Northeast Needs a New Home!
North by Northeast Community Health Center, a free medical clinic for uninsured adults in North and inner Northeast Portland, is in need of a new home.
The building where we are currently located is on the market and we have been asked to vacate by December 31. We look forward to having a larger and more comfortable space for our patients and volunteers! We are seeking 1200-2000 sq feet of commercial office space with easy access to public transportation.
Our service area stretches from St. John's to Concordia and we would like to be as centrally located as possible (ideally in Piedmont, Humboldt, Boise, Arbor Lodge, inner Overlook or Kenton). We have funds for rent but would welcome discounted or donated space, even on a temporary basis.
If you have any leads, please contact us at [email protected]. To learn more about our story, please visit our website at www.nxneclinic.org.