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JOB: Portland RiverFest Event Coordinator

JOB OPPORTUNITY: Portlands RiverFest 2009 RFP: Event Coordinator Proposals due: Nov. 5, 2008

Riverfest - currently scheduled for August or September 2009 - is the 2nd annual celebration of the Willamette Rivers importance to this region. Through a combination of new and existing events, Riverfest is a chance for attendees to get on and in the water, learn first-hand about the rivers history and environment, clean up the riverbank, and enjoy river spectacles. RiverFest will be produced and managed by the Event Coordinator in conjunction with a small group of stakeholders making up the steering committee.

A summary of 2008 partners and events can be found at www.PortlandRiverFest.org.

The Event Coordinator is expected to take ownership of the project from beginning to end, working under the direction of the steering committee to make decisions, bring good ideas to fruition, and harness the unbridled enthusiasm of direct and indirect participants. Specific tasks relate to fundraising, logistics, marketing, and public relations. A complete scope of work is available here:


Your proposal should include a cover letter, resume, and references in addition to requested compensation, which should be project-based (not hourly). Applicants may sub-contract work or apply as a team of individuals, but fee requirements should reflect total compensation. The steering committee estimates that 25 hours/week will be required, with 40 hours/week necessary for 4-6 weeks before the event, and an additional 20-40 hours after the event to gather statistics, hold evaluation meetings, thank sponsors, and write and distribute a final report.

All application materials should be submitted by Nov. 5 to [email protected]. Questions about RiverFest or the application process should be directed to Jeff Henderson ([email protected] or 503-922-1589).