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Program Manager Position at The Pangaea Project...

Program Manager Position:


~Deadline to submit resume- 5pm, Friday, November 14th

~Position begins- mid-January, 2009

~Salary- $32K, plus medical, dental, vision and wellness benefits


Program Introduction

The Pangaea Project empowers low-income high school students from Portland to become globally aware local leaders by engaging in eight-month long programs that combine both local and international service-learning projects. Throughout the three phases of the program- World CLASS training, International Inspiration, and Local Leadership, students experience Pangaea's three Core Educational Elements: grassroots leadership, social justice, and the development of a global perspective.  Participants are immersed in both local and global issues of social justice and human rights, are exposed to inspiring community leaders at home and abroad who are working at the grassroots level to enact positive social change, and are given the opportunity to gain a global perspective on local justice issues.  For each program, a specific social justice issue such as Environmental Justice or Labor Rights and Fair Trade is selected to serve as the theme, providing the framework to make local and global connections. 


In 2009, 24 low-income students from six public and alternative high schools will participate. The programs begin in April with the three-month long World CLASS training, where participants learn how to become agents of change in their own communities through experiential classroom activities, team-building, service-projects,  field trips, guest speakers, country-specific trainings, intensive leadership development and interactions with inspiring local community leaders. In July, for the International Inspiration phase of the program, students travel to either Thailand or Ecuador for one month to gain a global perspective through service-work, meetings with grassroots community leaders, host family stays and cultural excursions.  Students return to Portland in August for Local Leadership, where they to spend four months developing their leadership skills by creating social action campaigns and giving educational presentations to hundreds of students and community members, speaking to City Council and the Mayor, and speaking to thousands of people on radio shows.


Pangaea's unique model of education provides once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for low-income students to learn about solidarity, human rights, teamwork and community organizing.


The Role of the Program Manager

The Pangaea Project serves low-income, "at-risk" high school students, ages 16-22.  The majority of our students come from alternative high schools, have dropped out of or been dismissed from public high schools, and have been involved with "at-risk" behavior.  Applicants should have a background in working with this population.


Pangaea's new Program Manager will be primarily responsible for the ongoing development, planning, and implementation of all Pangaea programs.  In 2008, Pangaea grew to serve seventeen students from five local high schools, and in 2009, we will add a sixth School Partner.  The Program Manager will be responsible for working with all Program staff, including the Program Director, International Team Leaders, Partner Teachers, and In-Country Coordinators.  The Program Manager will work to expand the program to serve more students across Portland, add new destination countries and social justice themes, and form relationships with local community-based organization in the years to come. 


Other responsibilities will involve administrative work, policy development, program evaluation, public relations, and involvement in some fundraising.  Read below for a more detailed description.



Program Director Qualifications


þ           Extensive international experience

þ           Work in culturally diverse communities

þ           3 years minimum experience working with low-income high school aged youth

þ           Knowledge of classroom management and individual behavioral counseling for "at-risk" high school students

þ           Experience developing curriculum and creating lesson plans

þ           Skills in team building activities and leading group process

þ           Knowledge of and commitment to social justice and human rights issues

þ           International and/ or local volunteer experience

þ           Ability to leave Portland for one month, if necessary

þ           Ability to spend selected weekends away on local excursions (3x/ program year)

þ           Flexible schedule, ability to work occasional nights, attend events, etc

þ           Excellent written and personal communication skills

þ           Successfully pass all criminal background checks

þ           Possess a valid Oregon driver's license and passport that allows leaving and returning to the U.S.

þ           Flexibility, patience, and a good sense of humor!




þ           Minimum of 3 years teaching experience

þ           Masters in Education

þ           Teaching license

þ           Connections to local community-based organizations

þ           Experience in Ecuador and Thailand

þ           International immersion with host families preferred



þ           Knowledge of local themes

þ           Knowledge of Ecuadorian and Thai cultural practices and norms



þ           Speak conversationally fluent Spanish and/ or Thai

þ           Public speaking skills



Primary Program Director Responsibilities



þ           Maintain files on all students, past and present

þ           Help develop and update program budget

þ           Work closely with Directors on all aspects of program


Program Planning and Development

þ           Work with Directors on all program-related policy

þ           Plan logistics for all three phases

þ           Develop curriculum for World CLASS for 2009 and beyond 

þ           Work with Team Leaders planning Local Leadership re-entry, social action campaigns, service days

þ           Research current and future social justice themes

þ           Research future international destinations

þ           Possibly travel internationally to set-up new programs

þ           Update all materials for recruitment, application and selection processes

þ           Update evaluation materials, develop annual schedule

þ           Involvement in Grad program development, planning

þ           Research accreditation fro Partner Schools


Program Implementation

þ           Manage recruitment, application and selection processes

þ           Teach World CLASS trainings

þ           Possibly lead or visit Teams during International phase

þ           Involvement in Grad program implementation

þ           Administer all evaluation materials


Personnel Management

þ           Manage and train Partner Teachers

þ           Manage and train International Team Leaders

þ           Manage In-Country Coordinators

þ           Involvement in hiring process of future Program staff

þ           Annual evaluation of self and all Program staff


Community Relationships

þ           Maintain contact with families of students

þ           Work with Partner Schools

þ           Develop relationships with local community- based organizations

þ           Develop relationships with international community- based organizations

þ           Build relationships with local nationals of countries Pangaea visits

þ           Public speaking on behalf of the organization


Organizational Responsibilities

þ           Represent organization at public events

þ           Attend professional development classes, workshops as determined necessary

þ           Support with program-related content on website

þ           Support with fundraising as appropriate

þ           Support with events as appropriate



To apply, please send resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Or to 2736 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, PDX, OR 97218


For more information visit www.thepangaeaproject.org

-- Deb Delman Executive DirectorThe Pangaea [email protected]