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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Help your clients buy a house - workshop
Dear Housing Professionals, Sign-up for a FREE Workshop to learn about how you can help your clients increase their purchasing power, lower their amount of cash they need to close, and access first-time homebuyer programs and partners. "First-Time Homebuyer Partners and Programs" Workshop Thursday, November 6 9:00am - Noon
Lents Baptist Church, Lower Level 5921 SE 88th Ave, Portland Coffee and Pastries provided Please register by Monday, Nov. 3 (space is limited to 50 participants). To register, follow this link - http://www.pdc.us/housing_services/resources/events_workshops/default.asp and scroll down to the bottom. This workshop has been made possible by the following Lents Homeownership Initiative Partners: ROSE Community Development, Portland Development Commission, and Fidelity National Title. Hope you can make it!! Amie Diffenauer, Community Organizer ROSE Community Development Lents Homeownership Initiative 5215 SE Duke Street Portland, OR 97206 Tel: 503-788-8052 x105 Fax: 503-788-9197 Please remember to donate to ROSE at www.rosecdc.org