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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
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Community events with TrackersNW this November
As the community helps us grow each day, TrackersNW seeks to give back through blend of learning, sharing and celebration. We have parties and open houses for all ages, along with free or donation based classes for adults and youth.
Our community events are designed to support the three working agreements of TrackersNW:-Care for the land and earth we live on -A real living for you and your family -Family and team support that is healthy and functionalWe have three community events during November. Two of them are free, one is donation based.
Check them out:-November 11-13: Build a boat, Experience the Immersion program -November 22: Celebrate the Holidays with Trackers
-November 28: Urban Tracking Extravaganza FREE day. For more information on the Open House, visit the our Community Events Page, http://www.trackersnw.com/portland-adult/community-events.php For more information on the boat building and Urban Tracking, visit the TrackersTEAMS website, http://trackersteams.com/taster-days.php
Build a Boat & Visit the Immersion ProgramADULT, November 11-13, 2008, 9am-5pm No one turned away for lack of funds, $5-$10 donation suggested perday For more information on this Taster Day, visit the TrackersTEAMS website, http://trackersteams.com/taster-days.php For 3 days try out the immersion program and build a boat! All day, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 11-13, we invite you to the collaborative learning environment of TrackersTEAMS. With our open space format, expect anything to happen. You may find yourself practicing primitive skills, brewing, tracking animals, training martial arts or kayaking on the river. You can definitely count on experiencing an effective team of familial support and an opportunity to help craft on our new 22-foot skin-on frame-whaling boat. Yes, another umiak. This umiak will be featured on Oregon Field Guide. Come prepared to be a star.The open space may include but is not limited to...-primitive skills: fire, tools and more -discourse on cultural tools of familial and team support -martial arts -work with dynamic team and social tools -a foundation in animal tracking -kayaking -wild harvesting -help build a 22-foot traditional boat
We run on open: space Open space is a consensus process for group gatherings which leaves participants more energized at the end than they were at the beginning. The agenda of the gathering is created by the participants through an intelligent collaborative structure. Open space fundamentally changes the organization, village and the people it serves by affirming and renewing life.Who: ADULT When: November 11-13, 2008, 9am-5pm ( or show up at 8am for early morning warm ups) What: Join the immersion program for 3 days, help us build a boat Where: The Scout Pit, 5040 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland, OR 97202 How: No one turned away for lack of funds, $5-$10 donation suggested per day RSVP required, email Tony at [email protected] or call 503-453-3038FREE,
Celebrate the Holidays with TrackersFAMILIES and ALL AGES, November 22, 2008, 10am-3pmFor more information on the Open House, visit the our Community Events Page, http://www.trackersnw.com/portland-adult/community-events.php November 22, 10am-3pm TrackersNW is throwing you a holiday party. Come experience free nature walks and activities for kids and adults. Meet TrackersNW instructors while learning about our camps and programs. The entire time we offer good music, wholesome holiday treats and a visit from Kris Kringle himself (for the kids).-meet youth instructors -meet adult instructors -sign up for nature walks every 2 hours -wholesome holiday food -learn more about our memberships -visit from Kris Kringle at 2pm -music & dancingWho: FAMILIES and ALL AGES When: November 22, 2008, 10am-3pm What: Come anytime between 10am-3pm, bring family and friends Where: The Scout Pit, 5040 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland, OR 97202 How: Free No RSVP required, come any time For more information email Melissa at [email protected] or call 503-680-1508
Urban Tracking Extravaganza ADULT, November 28, 2008, 10am-1pm, FREE or $0-$10 donationFor more information on this Taster Day, visit the TrackersTEAMS website, http://trackersteams.com/taster-days.php The day after Thanksgiving, embark on an urban scouting and tracking adventure. We put a new spin on the holiday hustle and bustle. Take awareness and people watching to the next level. Apply the intense awareness of tracking to the concrete jungle. The biggest day for shopping is also a day to observe the human animal at its strangest. Work in "scout teams" through a series of fun and edge expanding exercises, testing our stealth and guile. This is the perfect activity to do with friends during a fall/winter day. Dramatically increase the level at which you utilize your senses, solve problems creatively and experience the world from the other side of the looking glass. Together we will dramatically change our perceptions of what a city truly is.-experience what people really see and why -learn tools to hone and keep your awareness sharp, even in a culture that dulls our senses -discover tricks to help anyone track on brick, concrete and any surface -go on good natured scout "scenarios" -push the edges of your daily "city" experience When: November 28, 2008, 10am-1pm What: Step through the looking glass Where: Meet in Pioneer Square at 10am sharp, right next to Mr Portland (the statue), I will be wearing a gray wool bike cap How: FREE or $0-$10 donation, what you feel is appropiate RSVP required, email Tony at [email protected] or call 503-453-3038