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BroadArts Visionary Salons -- FREE

Please join BroadArts, along with twenty extraordinary women and two terrific men-- community organizers, neighbors, artists and friends--at the BroadArts Visionary Salons. Each Salon features four speakers of diverse experience, tradition and organizational affinity. Interspersed are songs and monologues performed by BroadArts Theatre, illuminating the issues and topics of the speakers. After the speakers, BroadArts initiates the conversation between you, the audience and community speakers about how we each personally and organizationally contribute to a better future for Portland and in our world.

Sun Nov. 9: Multnomah Arts Center 7688 SW Capitol Hwy 5-8 pm Theme: Arts, Peace & Justice, Community Building

Thurs Nov. 13: The Friendly House 2617 NW Savier St 6-9 pm Theme: Arts, Environmental issues

Sat Nov. 15: Jefferson High School 5210 N Kerby Ave 6-9 pm Theme: Arts, Education

Thurs Nov. 20: SEIU Local 503 6401 SE Foster Rd 6-9 pm Theme: Arts, Women, LGBT, Civil, Human & Union rights

Sat Nov. 22: PSU Multicultural Center, Smith Student Union, 2nd Floor 1825 SW Broadway 7-10 pm Theme: Arts, Economy

These events are free and open to the public & children’s activities will be provided!

We’ll offer nibbles and nosh and drinks and schmooze and swag and special door prizes. It’s fun! It’s informative! It’s active!

For more information or to volunteer, call BroadArts at 503-288-5181 or contact us at [email protected] or on the web at www.broadarts.org