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Salmon Speaking and Tasting Event at Ecotrust
The World Affairs Council of Oregon Young Professionals presents: All about Salmon: the International Fish of Mystery!
Did you know that the same species of salmon that swim in the rivers of the Pacific Northwest are also found in Russia and Japan? And that all these salmon end up mixing in that global melting pot, the Gulf of Alaska?
At the "All about Salmon" event, we'll be talking about the cultural importance of salmon in different cultures around the North Pacific, the transboundary issues and treaties among all these countries and the differing sets of challenges salmon face in all all these varied places.
Date and Time: Monday, November 17 at 6:00 pm
Location: Ecotrust Conference Center at 721 NW Ninth Ave, 2nd Floor
Price: $7 for members and $12 for non members
Refreshments includes smoked salmon and wine and beer.
Speakers Include: Dr. Peter Rand, Population Biologist, Wild Salmon Center, member Salmonid Specialist Group, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Matthew Goslin, Conservation Geographer, Ecotrust
Brian Caouette, Japan Program Manager, Wild Salmon Center
Register at: http://www.worldoregon.org/events/registration/ypSalmon.html
Contact: 503-247-7488
The World Affairs Council of Oregon is a private, non-profit, non-partisan educational organization dedicated to broadening public understanding of international affairs.