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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Tomorrow is our day for the Umiak Building and Immersion Taster
There is still room to come build an umiak and spend 3-days training with the TrackersTEAMS Immersion Program. This is a rare "taster day" where we open up November 11-13 to the our community.Remember, you need to RSVP with us. Contact Tony at [email protected] or call at 503.453.3038. Choose a day or come for all of them!Three important things are happening for us:1) We are building a new Umiak2) Oregon Field, The Portland Tribune and the CW is coming to film3) We will really be packing the days with tracking skills, primitive skills, business skills and it will be run on Open Space. Our unique collaborative format.Visit this link if you are interested in learning moreHere are all the details you need to know what's going on:3-day event: Build a Boat & Visit the Immersion ProgramWhen: November 11-13, 2008, 9am-5pm (show up at 8am for early morning warm ups)What: Join the immersion program and help us build a boat!How: No one turned away for lack of funds, $5-$10 donation suggested per dayRSVP required coontact Tony at [email protected] or call 503-453-3038All this, plus the entire day is run on open spaceGo here to learn more about Open Space on wikipediaGeneral Open Space QuestionsWe run on open space: Open space is a consensus process for group gatherings which leaves participants more energized at the end than they were at the beginning. The agenda of the gathering is created by the participants through an intelligent collaborative structure. Open space provides a forum for storytelling, sharing and action emerging from the passions of the participants. It fundamentally changes the organization, village and the people it serves by affirming and renewing life.Do I have to come for the whole day? We ask that participants commit to coming at the day’s beginning and staying through the opening activities. At that point you decide how long and at what capacity you participate. The opening, 9AM-10AM and the closing, 3PM-4PM each day is the minimum attendance.What happens during an open space? Participants simply show up and create the agenda for the days with topics that inspire them. They only participate where they feel they are nourished and contributing. Each meeting naturally creates action items that lead to results. Open space is proof of concept that autonomy and collaboration are highly efficient working structures.Is it like a bunch of really long boring meetings? Many people are tired of compulsory gatherings that run overlong. Open space eliminates this. It makes getting together and solving the needs of the village fun again.Can I just be coming to learn, even if I have nothing to contribute? Yes, the process of high functional team collaboration is informative no matter what. You can at least. You might just leave with very useful ideas that will feed your own organization or goals. That said, people are often surprised by what gifts they have to share. Open space excels at bringing this out.