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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Nonprofit Education at Portland State University - Nov 17 open house
Greetings, Just a quick reminder that we are planning a casual open house to discuss our nonprofit-related programs with anyone interested. It's this Monday, November 17, 4-5pm, at the College of Urban & Public Affairs (506 SW Mill St, Portland) in the Gallery (2nd floor, south side)). Please do let others know if you think they might like to attend. We look forward to seeing you. Cordially, Sharon
P.s. Winter 2009 Courses include Advanced Fundraising: Major & Planned Gifts Financial Management of Nonprofit Organizations Grantwriting (Intensive and Weekly) History and Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) Organizational Leadership and Decisionmaking Values-Based Management Volunteerism & Volunteer Management
Spring 2009 Courses include Contemporary Issues in Fundraising Governance of Nonprofit Organizations Grantwriting (Intensive) Introduction to Nonprofit Management Women’s Development and Microfinance
Sharon Hasenjaeger Assistant Director Institute for Nonprofit Management Portland State University Tel: (503) 725-8221 Fax: (503) 725-8045 [email protected] www.inpm.pdx.edu for information on INPM’s nonprofit courses and events