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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
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Artists and Designers Needed to Speak in High School Art Class
My name is Shilo and I am the cultural arts instructor at the Native American Youth and Family Center’s Early College Academy. Our high school serves high school aged youth. Although our high school is geared towards Native American youth, we have a very cultural and ethnically diverse student body. The cultural arts class is built around our Native American/Alaska Native traditions in art and cultural. Students learn about their culture and make several different types of projects from bead work to decorative dried gourds. To add a contemporary perspective and to give students access to the real world, I’m looking for artists and designers to share their art and chosen field with the students. Specifically I would like the students to gain real world knowledge about design and art careers, what skills are employers looking for, what type of education is needed and why you chose your field of work.
I am looking for artists of color working in the following fields: graphic design, video game design/production, printmaking, art teachers/instructors, artists using any medium, carvers, jewelry makers/designers, photographers, zine makers, film makers, illustrators, etc.
My classes are in the early afternoon on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
If you are interested in presenting information to high school aged art students you can reach me at:
Shilo George NAYA Family Center Early College Academy Cultural Arts Instructor 503-288-8177 x228 [email protected]