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Mercy Kits: Holiday Gifts that Warm Hearts AND Make a Difference


Mercy Kits touch the hearts of those closest to you and extend that warmth to struggling children and families around the world. Created by Portland-based Mercy Corps, Mercy Kits are a unique, heartfelt way to support those in need while giving gifts that feel good to everyone.

New for the 2008 Season:

*All new designs *Eight new kits *Convenient online bulk order option *Wider price range to fit every budget


Mercy Kits are a wonderful way to add meaning to your holiday gifts. The purchase of a Mercy Kit helps to support Mercy Corps’ worldwide humanitarian programs.

Each Mercy Kit recipient receives a personalized card saying who (you) has made a donation to a Mercy Corps humanitarian program in his/her name.

The card offers insightful information about the type of program the donation supports. Example Mercy Kits are: Breastfeeding Kit, Climate Change Kit, Fuel-Efficient Stove Kit, Emergency Food Kit, Health Clinic Kit, and Play to Heal Kit.

The physical cards can be mailed in the postal mail or emailed as PDFs. They can also be directly printed off your home computer -- making the purchase of a Mercy Kit a perfect last minute gift idea.


There are more than 25 different Mercy Kits available. Simply go to mercycorps.org/mercykits to learn more and start shopping. Note, this year a new bulk ordering feature is available.

Mercy Kits are fully tax deductible, making them a great way to receive the benefits of a year-end charitable gift.

To learn more call 1-800-292-3355 x 250 or visit mercycorps.org/mercykits