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Conflict and Relationships - The Workplace & Beyond...

Conflict & Relationships - The Workplace and Beyond

Dec. 5, 2008 9:30-5pm Non-profit rate: $80



These are stressful times for many people. Can you and your organization afford NOT to handle conflict more effectively?

Learning how to handle conflict better can enhance productivity and workplace harmony, as well as improve and deepen your interpersonal relationships. The first step to more effectively managing conflict is an awareness of strategies to approach conflict and some tools for better understanding yourself and others in a conflict situation. Through this fun and interactive workshop, participants will:

*Gain skills for responding strategically rather than reacting emotionally to conflict *Learn and practice active listening skills *Learn to explore interests that underlie positions for more collaborative problem solving *Explore the concept of empathy and demonstrating it to others *Learn and practice making skillful assertions *Learn and practice strategies for dealing with defensiveness *Understand the role of culture in communication and conflict *Practice skills and strategies for approaching conflict collaboratively

Information & Registration: http://conflictandrelationships.eventbrite.com