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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Columbia Ecovillage tour and informational meeting this weekend
Are you curious about co-housing opportunities in Portland? Columbia Ecovillage is a forming co-housing community in NE Portland with an existing urban permaculture farm managed by the Portland Permaculture Institute.
Go to www.columbiaecovillage.net for more information about the community and available homes, or come to our upcoming informational meetings:
Sunday, November 16th: Family Tour 4647 NE. Killingsworth, 10-11 A.M. Childcare provided, with activities
Sunday, November 16th: Meet the Community and Developer Presentation at 1 P.M. Kennedy School, 5736 NE 33rd Ave.
Tuesday, November 18th: Informational Social at Roses Ice Cream, 5011 NE. 42nd Ave. 6-8 PM
Sunday, November 23rd: Open Tour 4647 NE Killingsworth 12 Noon
Come meet the members and find out more about this unique opportunity to live your values in a supportive, sustainable community.