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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Fundraiser: Massage-A-Thon Nov 18th
Take a break from your busy hectic day and experience relaxation with a wonderful massage, while raising money for Sisters of the Road.
Chair Massage and December 1% donation
Chair Massage-A-Thon Tuesday, 11/18/08, we will be doing a Chair Massage-A-Thon at the Backspace Gallery from 8am-6pm. Suggested Donation of $1 per minute. All proceeds will be donated to the Sisters of the Road Café and will be MATCHED by generous funders.
What: Chair Massage-A-Thon When: Tues. November 18th 8am-6pm Where: The Backspace Gallery 115 NW 5th Ave. www.backspace.bz Why: Raise money to fight homelessness and hunger with Sisters of the Road Cafe www.sistersoftheroad.org Our donations will be Matched!
AG Massage will donate 1% of all massage and gift certificate sales to Sister’s of the Road through the month of December. Again, this donation will also be Matched.
You may now PURCHASE AND PRINT GIFT CERTIFICATES for AG Massage from our website www.agmassage.com. Come and join the Matching Challenge in November and December!
New Sisters’ donors in November and December will be matched 1:1 by The Rose E. Tucker Charitable Trust and The Collins Foundation, AND matched 50 cents on each dollar through the generosity of a group of individuals and businesses. So a new donor’s gift of $100 will become $250! All returning Sisters donors will be matched 50 cents for every dollar donated; a $100 donation by a returning donor will become $150! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Read more about AM Massage, rates, and location at www.AGMassage.com AGmassage 322 NW 5th Ave. Ste. 310 ›Portland, OR 97209 Phone (503) 224 1172