Winter Shelter Housing Case Manager

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:Salvation Army Harbor Light
position summary:

The Case Manager will engage clients in a temporary shelter setting with the intent of establishing and maintaining relationships with clients. The Case Manager will perform screening interviews with clients wishing to gain access to permanent housing. This position will maintain all client-related documentation, write case plans, meet as needed with each client, and act as an advocate for the client in terms of housing and other needs relating to outside agencies. The Case Manager will have access to the larger program team for case consultation. In addition, this position will be responsible for providing follow-up assistance as requested by the client for up to one year. The Case Manager will cooperate with half-time Community Resource Specialist on information and referral. Send resume and cover letter to richard.stoller@

Salary / Pay Rate:14$ per hour - 5 month position
Qualifications:: BA/BS in Human Services field plus at least three years case management experience or equivalent work experience. Training and experience in homelessness, alcohol and other drug addiction, mental health, and experience providing intervention in those barrier areas. Ability to work with various socio-economic, ethnic and racial populations a must; good written and oral communication skills; knowledge of social services network; commitment to non-violence in all interactions. The individual hired for this position cannot participate in any form of substance abuse or show evidence of abuse while performing their duties or while present on Salvation Army property. Show respect for the goals and objectives of The Salvation Army.
Education Required:College degree