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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
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Affected by Seizures? Your Voice Needs to be Heard.
If You or a Loved One are Affected by Seizures, Your Voice Needs to be Heard. The Department of Emergency Medicine at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU), would like your input on a national research study that may be conducted in Clackamas County. Seizures that don’t stop quickly are a life-threatening medical emergency. The Rapid Anticonvulsant Medication Prior to ARrival Trial (RAMPART) compares two commonly prescribed medications, to determine which medicine is best at stopping seizures quickly. Participants will be given one of the two medications, by paramedics, prior to hospital arrival. In emergency situations, when a patient is unconscious, there is not enough time to talk with a family member or guardian about the study and the patient may be enrolled in the study without their consent. Patients and their families are told about their participation in the study as soon as possible. If you or a loved one are affected by seizures and live or work in Clackamas County, we would like to hear from you. Focus group meetings will give you the opportunity to voice questions and concerns, and also be given the opportunity to opt-out of participating in the study. Just for participating in a 60-90 minute focus group you can receive a $25 Fred Meyer gift card. Please contact us for more information on how to participate at 503-494-9771, or email [email protected] Your participation is greatly appreciated. Rachel Stone Research Coordinator Center for Policy and Research in Emergency Medicine (CPR-EM) Department of Emergency Medicine Oregon Health & Science University
Sharon Hasenjaeger Assistant Director Institute for Nonprofit Management Portland State University Tel: (503) 725-8221 Fax: (503) 725-8045 [email protected] www.inpm.pdx.edu for information on INPM’s nonprofit courses and events