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The day after Thanksgiving (Nov 28) we're going to push through the looking glass of Portland proper. With a series of awareness puzzles we peel back the urban gloss to find the crazy underworld of Urban Tracking.

So consider joining us for the Holidays festivities. And catch the new article about us in the Portland Tribune. Eric Bartels, the reporter, did phenomenal job. He told it far better than we could. Beyond the attention it gives Trackers, we believe that quality of "getting us" is what truly counts.

Read the article here http://www.portlandtribune.com/features/story.php?story_id=122713561167138400

Urban Tracking-

When: November 28, 2008, 10am-1pm What: Step through the looking glass Where: Meet in Pioneer Square at 10am sharp right next to Mister Portland (the statue), I will be wearing a gray wool bike cap How: FREE or $0-$10 donation, what you feel is appropiate RSVP required email or call me at [email protected], 503-453-3038

Visit the TrackerTEAMS page for more information http://trackersteams.com/taster-days.php

While you are there, think about coming to our FREE Taster Day (December 14) to learn more about the immersion program. If you are even remotely interested in a TrackersTEAMS Full-Time Immersion Programs, this is your chance to "taste a day" and really ask us the questions necessary to fully understand if this experience would be a good fit for you.