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Transformational Lectures Series with artist Noel Harding
The Cascadia Region Green Building Council will host artist Noel Harding on Wednesday, December 3rd in Portland, as part of its Transformational Lecture Series.
About the Lecture: Artist as Environmental Urban Innovator Art has a crucial role to play in raising public awareness on such timely issues as the pervasive degradation of natural systems. Focusing on environmental concerns, this internationally acclaimed artist will explore the ways art can instruct, challenge, and inspire both the aware as well as the unsuspecting public.
When: Wednesday, December 3; 5:30pm (doors open at 5pm)
Where: First Unitarian Church of Portland, Eliot Chapel, 1011 SW 12th Ave. Portland
Cost: Free, donations accepted
Please RSVP: http://tlsnoelhardingpdx.eventbrite.com/
About the Transformation Lecture Series: The Transformational Lecture Series aims to inspire all building industry professionals to embrace their role in creating a sustainable built environment now, as well as ensuring that sustainability becomes integral to all development in the future. The world’s most visionary thought leaders will share their experiences and wisdom on the topics that underpin and motivate the green building industry, including Cascadia’s Signal Issues, sustainable communities, and the power of collaboration. By reminding us why we must act boldly and helping us to imagine a world where sustainability is the baseline, these lectures promise to inspire a revolution!
For more information, visit www.cascadiagbc.org