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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Lead screening for toys and kids this Wednesday night
On Wednesday, December 3rd, the Oregon Center for Environmental Health is offering a day of interactive education, awareness, and action about lead. The event will include:
--Free lead screening on your toys and household items (limit four items per household) from 5 pm to 7 pm.
--A viewing of the HealthyToys.org database of safe toys.
--Free blood lead screening for pregnant and nursing mothers and kids under the age of 6 offered from 5 pm to 8 pm by Josiah Hill Clinic.
--Free lead dust screening kit for the home from the Portland Development Center.
--Non-toxic toys, baby gear, and household items for sale from the EcoSafe Home Store.
--Information about lead services from the Community Energy Project, Growing Gardens, and the Water Bureau.
--Information about upcoming legislation in Oregon to make children’s toys safer!
Who: Open and free to the public.
When and where: Wednesday, December 3rd. Drop in testing from 5 pm to 8 pm only.
Oregon Center for Environmental Health 4819 NE Fremont Portland, OR 97213 503-233-1510
Why: Lax regulations allow toxic chemicals in children’s toys and common household products. These chemicals, including plasticizers, flame retardants, mercury, lead, and pesticides are accumulating in the environment and in our bodies. This public event will help families screen for lead in their bodies and in their homes and will feature an array of safer household and children’s products for home and the holidays.
Oregon Center for Environmental Health
4819 NE Fremont St, Portland, OR 97213
Phone: 503.233.1510
Interested in non-toxic and environmentally-friendly products? Visit our new EcoSafe Home store at 4819 NE Fremont!