Fisheries Technician

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:Portland Water Bureau
position summary:

The Portland Water Bureau is seeking fisheries technicians to assist in the collection of field data in 2009. The work will start in March and continue through June. The Bureau anticipates hiring 2-4 people who will work between 20 and 40 hours per week (4 to 8 hours per day). Some work will be on Saturdays and Sundays. The technicians will report to work at the Bureau’s Sandy River Station at 10991 SE Lusted Rd. Sandy, OR, which is at the confluence of the Bull Run and Sandy Rivers, and then drive in a bureau vehicle to the work sites. The work will focus on monitoring juvenile salmonid smolt traps. One or more technicians may be retained until November to assist with a variety of field efforts including stream surveys and adult fish counts. For those tasks, the technicians will work 1-2 days per week. The technicians will work under the direction of a Water Bureau fish biologist but at times will perform field work on their own.

Salary / Pay Rate:$11.52-$18.00/hour depending on number of years of higher ed completed.
Required Skills and Abilities:The Bureau prefers that the applicants are able and willing to perform: 1. field work surveying habitat in streams 2. identification of juvenile and adult salmonids 3. snorkeling and occasional electrofishing 4. data recording and record keeping 5. assistance with analysis and report writing All applicants should also have a valid Oregon driver’s license and successful applicants will be asked to provide a copy of their driver’s record from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles.
Qualifications:This recruitment is for seasonal employees. Seasonal employees are limited to 1,200 hours per year, they do not accrue vacation or sick leave, and they are not eligible for retirement or health benefits. Part time seasonal employees are not eligible for holiday pay and the technicians may be required to work on holidays. Applicants should mail or deliver a brief (1 page) cover letter and resume (no more than 2 pages) that is structured to the 5 skills listed above to Steve Kucas, Portland Water Bureau, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Room 600, Portland, OR, 97204 by 5:00 pm January 16, 2009. Inquiries: Steve Kucas, (503) 823-6976, [email protected]
Other:Equal Opportunity Employer
website link: