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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Theater for Social Change Training
TheaterChange is offering the following training to community educators, organizers, artists, and youth workers! No previous theater experience necessary. Join the fun and find new and innovative ways to inspire your communities and encourage empowerment, action, and transformation! Theater for Community Winter Intensive: Image and Forum Theater February 21-22, 200910:00-6:00
525 SE Stark, Portland Oregon
Registration deadline: February 1stRegistration fee: $150, scholarships available
Participants will learn techniques of interactive theater developed by Brazilian activist Augusto Boal, including community and trust building games, image-based dialogue, and interactive community forum. Participants will develop theater out of their own experiences, and explore ways of using these techniques in their own communities.
To register, or for more information: email [email protected], or call 503-334-7491.
The workshop will be facilitated by Tamara Wallace and Omar Vargas of TheaterChange * TeatroCambio, a bilingual project that supports the use of interactive theater as a means of community empowerment, action, and transformation