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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
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TrackersNW, Make up Taster Day
Our latest taster day, the weather was rough yet beautiful. Some folks understandably could not make it due to the winter blizzard.We are holding a make up taster January 4, along with the taster we already had scheduled for January 11.All are welcome to come to both. Feel free to bring friends.
Learn more here http://trackersteams.com/taster-days.phpWe still had quite a few participants December 14. It was an great day. The current immersion students took control. I walked around sipping my coffee. Together we did team building games, trained boxing and holds, made fire by friction, and knapped stone arrowheads. The grand finale was a snow tracking and a winter wild edible hike down in the new white of Oaks Bottom. My group tromped through quiet, listening for the birds who told us there was more weather to come. We found the delicately strung lines of a cat track in the snow. It was hunting through briar tunnels and then finally headed home, having enough of the cold.I was truly impressed with the community created in only one day, by our current TrackersTEAMS students and all the Taster Day participants. It gave us each a new understanding of what we can accomplish with these days. Whether you plan on joining the full time program or you are just exploring it, we can build an extended community of support though the work of the Teams Immersion and through these regular meetings of community.So feel free to join us for both! or one. Even if you have already gone, especially if you were not able to make the last one.
When 9am-4pm, January 4 or 11, 2009How FREE, RSVP required. Contact [email protected] or 503-453-3038Go to the taster day page http://trackersteams.com/taster-days.php
Tony Deis, 503.453.3038, trackersnw.com, Associate