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Zenger Farm Education Volunteer Training
Volunteer with Zenger Farm’s Education Programs
Training coming up in February
At our two day volunteer training we will provide information on how to lead outdoor experiential education programs, discuss the fine art of behavior management and add depth and understanding to local flora and fauna and sustainable farming.
We offer two options for training:
Wednesdays: February 11th and 18th, 9:30am-12:30pm -OR- Thursdays February 12th and 19th, 9:30am to 12:30pm
Education volunteers are essential to our experiential education programs and service-learning projects. Zenger Farm field trips provide visiting youth with opportunities to learn about sustainable farming practices, healthy soils, botany, and wetland ecology.
Education volunteers you can lead the following field trip programs to local youth:
• Farm Tour (K-12th): A sensory-based tour of the farm and wetland that connects youth to food, farming, and the wild and domesticated animals that call Zenger Farm home • Critters in the Crops (3rd–5thgrade): An exploration of the roles of macroinvertibrates on the farm, observing them in their habitats and discussing what makes an insect an insect and not just a bug • People Need Plants (3rd–5thgrade): This hands-on discovery program investigates plant parts and their functions, what plants need to grow and thrive, and how humans use plants everyday • Explore Soils (3rd–5thgrade): Students will learn about the importance of soil to our everyday lives, what soil is made of, and how people can protect it • Wetland Ecology (3rd–5thgrade): An inquiry based program that explores the functions and values of a wetland ecosystem, and takes a closer look at aquatic insects, animal habitat, and water quality • Service Learning (K-12th): Students will dig in and get dirty working on various seasonal farm projects (seeding, planting, weeding, harvesting)
COMMITMENT: We ask that our education volunteers commit to help lead about one field trip per week March though early June (two to four hours a week for approximately 15 weeks).
To apply download our application from www.zengerfarm.org (click “get dirty” and check out the Education Volunteer section)
For more information Contact Zenger Farm’s Education Director Alice Froehlich 503.282.4245 - [email protected]