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Volunteerism & Volunteer Management Course at Portland State
Institute for Nonprofit Management Volunteerism & Volunteer Management Winter Term 2009, Thursdays 6:40 to 9:20pm, beginning Jan 8, 2009 Claudia Moorad – Adjunct Faculty
Course Description This is a general foundations as well as a practical skill-based course in volunteerism and volunteer management. It meets the needs for graduate, undergraduate, capstone, certificate students, community volunteer leaders, and persons interested in acquiring the knowledge to put into action, standards that will assist them in receiving the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration’s Certification in Volunteer Administration (CVA).
It brings to life the practice of volunteer management as it relates to the historical, social, and cultural context of voluntarism in America.
The course will help us understand who volunteers, why, and what difference volunteerism makes in the lives of organizations and communities today, both in a climate of different joining and as people’s lives continue to get busier. This course will address key issues and practices that allow volunteers to participate in their communities, in meaningful ways.
Throughout the course, reading, research and hands-on classroom activities, and students’ real world experiences with a nonprofit project will be applied to every aspect of the practice of volunteer management including program assessment, history and ethics, leadership and advocacy, organization management, volunteer staffing, support and management, including fiscal, evaluative, quality improvement, risk management, and data accountability. The instructor’s real world experience in government, business, and service- learning programs, volunteer and volunteer manager positions ensures every student will be able to satisfy their particular questions, interests, and applications in the field. Some of the Learning Outcomes and Course Objectives • Faculty and students create a dynamic, fun, participatory learning environment that supports the student’s permanent understanding of and ability to be, supervise, or support a volunteer manager who expresses vision and excellence. • One hundred percent of this course curriculum meets professional standards to help you prepare, with experience, for the Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration’s Certification in Volunteer Administration (CVA). • To develop an understanding of the historical roles volunteers have played in the USA and the world and are able to discuss these roles. • To understand the social and cultural changes that affect volunteer work and volunteers’ motivation and applies the understanding in developing workplace incentives and rewards for volunteering. • To understand the taxonomy of volunteer positions and how they assist with recruitment and retention strategies. • To be able to effectively work with a student team to assess a community-based volunteer program, strategically review and develop a set of recommendations for the volunteer program. • To utilize effective decision making skills in the analysis and administration of a volunteer program. • To identify and involve key stakeholders in the development and administration of a volunteer program. • To connect the concepts of leadership with volunteer management principles and practices. • To understand the human resource dimensions and practices of the management of paid and volunteer staff. • Comprehensive review of Risk Management as applied to business, nonprofit, and volunteer management programs.
• Thorough review of effective methods of volunteer program evaluation that also supports the parent business/nonprofit organization.
• To understand cultural competence as it relates to management of volunteers, stakeholders, and effective program management.
“Volunteerism & Volunteer Management” (PA 410 Sec VOL CRN 42724 & PA592 Sec VOL CRN 42783) with Claudia Moorad, 6:40PM to 9:20PM on Thursdays. ROOM: NH 366. Contact INPM for info on registration and tuition. --
Sharon Hasenjaeger Assistant Director Institute for Nonprofit Management Portland State University Tel: (503) 725-8221 Fax: (503) 725-8045 [email protected] www.inpm.pdx.edu for information on INPM’s nonprofit courses and events