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Introduction to Shamanic Healing & Empowerment

Circle of the Living Earth presents:


Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 6:30-9:30 p.m., NE Portland

Maybe you've heard about soul retrieval as an exceptionally effective modality for healing trauma. Maybe you've heard about shamanic journeying and wonder if you could do it. And what about guardian spirits?

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice native to every inhabited continent on earth. In the shamanic experience, our bodies reside in ordinary reality, while our spirits live mostly here, but are capable of journeying to a parallel realm where spiritual help and perspective is available.

This introductory class is half informational and half experiential, giving participants an overview of shamanism and shamanic healing, and an opportunity to make an exploratory journey to meet their power animals.

Learn about power loss and restoration, soul loss and soul retrieval, shamanic extraction healing, and healing for the dead. Social healing and the healing of places and animals also will be discussed.

This evening is a great opportunity to learn about what is possible through shamanic healing, to receive detailed instruction in making an introductory journey, and to journey in a facilitated circle to a live drum.

For the strongest experience, abstain from alcohol for 24 hours prior to the session.

Tuition: First time: $35. Teens, repeating adults, and unemployed: $20.

For further details, please call 503.450.9991 or visit the Calendar of Offerings at http://www.CircleLivingEarth.org.


Circle of the Living Earth-AIWP is a 501(c)(3) shamanic healing and educational organization founded by Lenore Norrgard, MA, Certified Shamanic Counselor. For information about Circle of the Living Earth please visit http://www.CircleLivingEarth.org or call 503.450.9991