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Portland Pride Build Kick-Off Celebration to Recruit Volunteers to Build a Home with Habitat for Humanity

What: Portland Pride Build Kick-Off Celebration

Where: Crush, 1204 SE Morrison

When: January 15, 2009 from 6-9 p.m.

Why: To recruit volunteers to help plan and participate in the Portland Pride Build

Cost: $10, which includes two drinks and snacks

January 8, 2009 (Portland, Ore)—Portland’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender community and friends are partnering with Habitat for Humanity to plan and build a healthy and affordable home for a family in need. Portland Pride Build will embrace diversity and give back to our community by working together, learning from one another, and helping to shed light on the affordable housing needs of our community. 

Come help us celebrate this exciting event with a kickoff at Crush with music, fun and laugher. The fabulous Miss Mylar will be the emcee for the event.

All proceeds will benefit the Portland Pride Build. font-family:Arial">           

About Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East: 10.0pt;font-family:Arial"> Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East serves Multnomah County and northern Clackamas County. No other housing organization in the Portland/Metro East area offers a no-interest mortgage, giving Habitat the ability to reach out to families one step away from homelessness. Habitat sells the homes at cost, making no profit. Houses are sold below market value because of volunteer labor and donations. Families pay a 1% down payment on a 0% interest mortgage. Instead of being in a vulnerable and fragile economic position, Habitat families find themselves in a position of strength.

font-family:Arial">Contacts: Maria Eby

Communications Manager

Habitat for Humanity Portland/Metro East

503-287-9529 x17

[email protected]



Brett Hulstrom

Portland Pride Build Kick-Off Coordinator


[email protected]