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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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1-18-09, Our Ancestors, Ourselves: Healing Our Collective History
Sunday, January 18, 1-4 p.m. at New Renaissance Bookshop, 1338 NW 23rd Ave, Portland
Celebrate the new possibilities for positive change in the U.S. with this inspiring afternoon of healing!
Our country is blessed with an abundance of wealth and people of good will, but we find ourselves stuck in cycles of violence at home and abroad - this is because our nation was born in suffering for most beings involved, and this traumatic legacy continues to haunt our nation and the globe.
The good news is that we can heal history!
When we heal our history, we release the gifts of our ancestors to bless the world.
We can realize a U.S. that is part of the community of nations, and one in which our wealth is not hoarded, but shared.
Join us for an uplifting afternoon of healing the past and shifting our destiny as a people!
Questions? Give us a call at 503.450.9991 or email: [email protected].
Tuition: $30
Registration: Through New Renaissance Bookshop - online at http://www.newrenbooks.com/events/jan_reg.html#norrgard, by calling 503.224.4929, or at the door
Other upcoming group offerings from Circle of the Living Earth-AIWP, a 501(c)(3) CNRG member providing shamanic healing, training, and consulting:
* Shamanic Empowerment Weekend, February 21-22
* Medicine for the Earth Weekend, March 14-15
* Peacemaking, Healing, and Community, April 3-5
You always can review the details of our upcoming events, just visit the Calendar of Offerings at Circle of the Living Earth-AIWP, http://www.CircleLivingEarth.org
The Instructor: Lenore Norrgard, MA, Harner Method Shamanic Counselor, was called to the shamanic path in 1987, and has been providing shamanic healing and instruction since 1992. She began training other healers through her Shamanic Healing Apprenticeship Program in 1996, and founded Circle of the Living Earth-AIWP, a 501(c)3, in 1999. In addition to her work as a teacher, Lenore is best known for healing trauma; designing new rituals for our times; and developing shamanic approaches to social healing. You can read some writings on her work by clicking the Articles selection at http://www.CircleLivingEarth.org.