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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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Community Organizing Workshop Series
The City Repair Project is hosting a series of ten workshops designed to assist all you organizers out there in working more cohesively, effectively and inclusively. If you are looking to build your skills around facilitation, community engagement, public speaking and a host of other activities, join us! These workshops will be useful to anybody interested in building a better world, so don't let thoughts of a lack - or an abundance - of experience stay your hand.
Workshops and presenters include: How to Talk to People You Don't Yet Know February 5th, 2009 Kim Krichbaum, Heart of Now, www.heartofnow.org Break out of your comfort zone, and forge satisfying, heart-centered connections with others. An essential for any activist or passionate human.
Anti-Racism February 12th, 2009 Randy Blazak, PSU Department of Sociology Develop your awareness and sensitivity to cultural diversity.
Anti-Patriarchy February 19th, 2009 Christine Haboush, Siren Nation, http://www.sirennation.org/ Envision a society in which men and women can work together as equals, where gender plays no role in success or discrimination.
Public Speaking February 26th, 2009 Courtney Dillard, Professor of Rhetoric and Media Studies, Willamette University Mark Lakeman, The City Repair Project, www.cityrepair.org Increase your confidence and expand your capabilities in front of larger audiences.
Non-Violent Communication March 5th, 2009 Stuart Watson, Progressive Mediation, http://progressivemediation.com/ Learn how to interact with others peacefully, connecting with all that is alive in yourself and others.
Working With Media March 12th, 2009 Brian Sloan, Rising Tide North America, http://www.risingtidenorthamerica.org
Improving media relations for your organization or cause is critical to raising awareness of your mission (whatever that may be). Help to sway public opinion positively!
Creative Direct Action March 19th, 2009 Brian Sloan, Rising Tide North America, http://www.risingtidenorthamerica.org
Learn to express your message creatively by spicing up campaigns/causes with humor and symbol in activism.
Effective Meeting Planning March 26th, 2009 Marie Dubord, Student Activities & Leadership Programs, PSU Get organized! Increase effectiveness by learning how to coordinate meetings with others.
Consensus April 2nd, 2009 Lysbeth Borie, Alpha Institute, http://www.alphai.org/ Smile, knowing that decisions can be made outside the framework of competitive majority voting. Move away from the win/lose dichotomy into a world where the end result benefits all decision-makers.
Facilitation April 9th, 2009 J. Brush, Tryon Life Community Farm, www.tryonfarm.org Help others understand their common goals and dreams, rather than focus on distinctions and differences. Bring about peaceful discussions everywhere you go!
The workshops will run every Thursday from 6 to 8 pm at City Repair Head Quarters, 3125 E Burnside. We ask for a sliding scale donation of $5-$10 per workshop, or $40-$75 for the whole series, though no one will be turned away for a lack of funds. To register, please contact Maralena at [email protected], or call 617.406.8299.