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Shamanic Empowerment Weekend, February 21-22
February 21-22, 2009, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, NE Portland
In these times of turmoil and transformation, developing relationships with our personal spirit allies can ground us, giving us the resources to navigate the twists and turns of life with spiritual power and joy!
This weekend intensive provides beginning, in-depth instruction in fundamental shamanic journey skills. Learn how to journey safely to the spirit world and back, develop relationships with your personal spirit allies, learn how to formulate questions to elicit the counsel and personal healing you seek, and work with the information you receive.
Learn and practice how to use your voice and body to achieve and sustain a shamanic state of consciousness. Learn and practice how to obtain helpful information for someone who has requested your help.
Establish ongoing relationships with your own helping spirits and gain greater feelings of well-being; a stronger sense of connection with the earth and other beings on it; and an ability to live life in a fuller and more powerful way!
This offering fulfills the prerequisite for the Shamanic Healing Apprenticeship Program.
Tuition: $267 adults; $187 teens and repeating adults
Registration: Enrollment is limited, please register early and at least by February 13. Participation is open to all, and spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
For further details, please call 503.450.9991 or visit the Calendar of Offerings at http://www.CircleLivingEarth.org
Circle of the Living Earth-AIWP is a 501(c)(3) shamanic healing and educational organization founded by Lenore Norrgard, MA, Certified Shamanic Counselor, who will be teaching this workshop. For information about Circle of the Living Earth and Lenore, please visit http://www.CircleLivingEarth.org or call 503.450.9991