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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on October 21st
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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What are the lines between volunteer and employee?
For Executive Directors, Human Resources, Volunteer Program Managers, and Board Members.
Do your employees ‘volunteer’ to help at your fundraisers or other events? This session will review the wage and hour laws as they pertain to employee volunteering, including a number of U.S. Department of Labor Opinion letters issued December 2008. This speaker will address practical questions - Who qualifies as a volunteer? May employees volunteer? How to know when hours are “worked” or “volunteered”? - and associated record keeping. Practical risk management; understandable legal perspective.
Presenter LINDA E. FRISCHMEYER practices employment law. She is licensed in both Washington and Oregon. Linda joined the Landerholm Memovich, Lansverk & Whitesides, P.S. Law Firm in 1998 and has been active on several local nonprofit boards of directors.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 Noon to 1:30 pm Check-in 11:45 Location: YWCA Clark County Community Room, 3609 Main Street, Vancouver WA Affordable cost per person: Nonprofit Network SW Member $10.00 Non-Member $15.00 At the door $20.00 Handout materials included. Beverages included. Box lunch available for additional $10 per person. Registration and Information at http://nonprofitnetworkwa.org or 360.735-7110.