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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Sense you Surroundings: Inside and Out! Free Early Learner PLT/WILD Workshop
- A focus on early learners - March 12, 2009 9:00am-4:30pm @ Tryon Creek State Park - FREE! This all day Project Learner Tree and Project WILD workshop will focus on the Pre-K to 1st grade educator. Learn how to incorporate natural sciences and multi-sensory activities into your early learner curriculum. We will focus on how to teach using multiple learning styles. Enjoy classroom activities and field experiences alike. We are very excited to share a NEW! Project WILD Early Learners Guide with you. This workshop takes place at the beautiful Tryon Creek State Park - a true gem in the heart of the city. To register visit http://www.cof.orst.edu/onrep/. Click on Workshop calendar, find and click on the workshop you would like to attend and follow directions.
Tryon Creek State Natural Area 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Portland, OR 97219
Christal Florin Interpretive Park Ranger Tryon Creek State Natural Area 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd. Portland, OR 97211 (503) 636-9886 ext. 225 [email protected]