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Sierra Club: Mountain Top Removal Program


Thurs, Feb. 19th - Mountain Top Removal: there is no such thing as Clean CoalRefreshments at 6:30; Speakers at 7pm

Sierra Club Office, 1821 SE Ankeny St., Portland Mountain top removal is a radical form of coal mining where coal companies literally blow the top off of mountains to access the coal beneath.

Mountain top removal devastates hundreds of square miles of Appalachia, fills the headwaters of rivers, and contaminates drinking water for communities. As we hear more and more about the possibility of "Clean Coal," mountain top removal practices continue to occur. Please join the Sierra Club in February as three speakers, Tierra Curry, Perrin de Jong, and Ben Luckett, present their experiences as organizers and activists working on mountain top removal issues in Appalachia and their reasons why this devastating practice is not only a local issue for the citizens affected by these practices but a national issue for environmentalists.

For more information, contact [email protected]