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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Special price this month beckons you to sink deeply into creative process
Process painting calls you into the moment as you learn about flow, creativity, and life. It challenges you to break the “rules” and find your own way. You can’t make a mistake! Special this month, New and ongoing students can sign up for two days for $99.00, a 10% discount.
This package includes: Saturday, February 21st, 10-5, andSunday, February 22nd, Open Studio, 10-2 Great opportunity for new students to really learn about the process and for ongoing students to deepen your experience with process painting. It's like getting almost a full weekend for only $99.00! The weekend painting workshop offers an extended time and space to allow you to sink deeply into the creative process without distractions.
Stand alone opportunities for ongoing students only: Saturday, February 21st, 10-5, $85.00 Sunday, February 22nd, Open Studio, 10-2, $25.00 Register early as size is limited to eight participants www.processpaint-artspace.com Kathy/503-236-5313