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June 2009 NWEI Retreat & Sustainability Outreach Training

All are welcome--NWEI’s 2009 North American Gathering will center on the theme of “We’re All In”. We are currently faced with both the biggest challenge and opportunity of our lifetime. This year’s gathering will focus on how every segment of society—citizens, business, government, higher education institutions and faith communities—is working together to engage and respond to the call for a shift in consciousness.

Space is limited, so call 503-227-2807 or email contact[at]nwei.org for more information and to register.

June 19th-22nd at Menucha Conference & Retreat Center (Corbett, OR)


Highlights of the gathering will include a panel workshop with Portland-based leaders including representatives from the faith community, City of Portland, local universities, and both business and non-profit leaders in the sustainability movement. Workshops will focus on NWEI’s newest area of focus, the higher education community, offering tools and tips for your own community outreach efforts. There will also be workshops on grant writing to support your organizational needs, as well as presentations from local sustainability coordinators in the business community discussing implementation strategies of NWEI programs in the workplace.