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Wilsonville Community Sharing

501c3, food Bank, low income financial assistance, winter clothing

Nonprofit Type: Human Services

Region(s) Covered: Clackamas County

Contact Information

website link:wilsonvillecommunitysharing.org
address:6570 SW Boeckman rd.
Wilsonville, OR  97070
phone:(503) 682-6939
contact note:Please call before 2PM on weekdays only


Growing regional food bank housed inside Frog Pond Church. Looking for larger space inside Wilsonville city limits. Serves roughly 1500 local families each year with a small food pantry, budget assistance and winter clothing. Would like to partner with gleaning programs to offer food bank recipients local, fresh food sources and lessen the pressure on food banks to provide canned goods. Harvest share program in the works where local gareners and farmers doante produce to locations with pickup boxes around town.