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CNRG Networking Night's are on the 3rd Thursday of the Month
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Explore what the nonprofit community has to offer.We are very fortunate. The Portland metro area is a wealth of knowledge. This knowledge is shared through a variety of mediums. We have compiled this information to make it easy to locate events, trainings, and other opportunities in and around town.
CNRG Trainings
CNRG invites you to participate in a free training! We are excited to connect you with valuable resources that will allow you to learn, grow, and expand your knowledge.
Opportunity Center
As the connection point to the nonprofit community, nonprofit organizations in the Portland metropolitan area often use us as a resource to find talented nonprofit professionals. The CNRG Career Center provides a valuable network for both nonprofit professionals seeking positions and for organizations seeking employees for a variety of roles.