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Portland Weed Watchers Workshop, 5/25

Most Portlanders are familiar with the common invasive plants such as ivy and blackberry but there are a few recent arrivals we would like to stop and we need your help! Come to the Southwest Portland Community Center on Wednesday, May 25 from 7 pmto 9 for the free Weed Watchers Workshop to learn more about newer invasive plants such as Garlic mustard and Japanese knotweed that threaten Portland’s parks, natural areas, and stream corridors. After leaving the workshop you will be prepared to identify new invasive plants, report invasives, and be equipped with the Best Management Practices to control them.

Multnomah Weed Watchers trainings are happening soon!

Find out how you can become an important part of Oregon's Early Detection
Network and combat invasive plants in the Multnomah region! Join us at Metro
Regional Center on May 20th or 21st from 12pm to 2pm for training on how to
recognize, remove, and report the noxious weeds which threaten our local
environment and biodiversity. Invasive species cause serious problems by
disrupting ecosystems, pushing out native species, and decreasing the value
of your land. Many invasive species are not yet abundant in Oregon, and you
can help keep them out!
Attend this FREE Training and you will:
• Discover more about the problem of invasive species

Volunteer Action Training - SOLV, Learn to lead your own community group!!

Mt. Hood Community College is proud to be hosting the SOLV Volunteer Action Training on Friday May 13th from 9:30am-4pm in room AC1253

The resources (booklets) and instruction provided in this presentation are extremely well thought out, helpful and have a great regional focus.

This would be a great training for volunteer coordinators, students or ambitious volunteers. 

Please RSVP ahead of time and we’ll save a seat for ya!



SOLV volunteer action training Friday, May 13th from 9:30 to 4:00pm

WVDO May 19th Development Series - An Overview of Planned Gifts and the Building Blocks for a Planned Giving Campaign

Thursday, May 19, 2011

3:30-5:00 pm


1111 SW 10th Ave., Third Floor

Sponsored by:  The Collins Group

Free/WVDO Members



Pre-registration required at http://wvdo-development-series--an-ov.ettend.com/


“WVDO May 19th Development Series - An Overview of Planned Gifts and the Building Blocks for a Planned Giving Campaign” with Al Zimmerman


Summer 2011 Nonprofit, Philanthropy, & Volunteer Management Courses coming soon at PSU - Please spread the word

Here's what we have in store for our summer lineup of courses. Any
questions or comments? Please do get in touch.

Advanced Grantwriting (PA510 Sec AGW CRN 82688 or non-credit) with
Michael Wells at 3-6:15pm on eight Wednesdays June 22-August 10. Note:
Students should be familiar with the basics of grantwriting to take this
course. If not, they should register for Grantwriting for Nonprofit
Organizations (see below). This is a self-support course.

*Financial Mgmt of Nonprofit Orgs *(PA524 CRN 82764 or non-credit) with
Rocky Johnson at 6-8:50pm on nine Thursdays June 23-August 18. This is a
self-support course

Preserving Oregon Berries & Fruit Workshop at Zenger Farm 5/10

Tuesday, May 10th (6:00pm-8:00pm)

Learn the best techniques for preserving luscious Oregon berries and fruit
that begin arriving in your garden and at the market in late spring. In this
class, participants will learn all the basics you need to know for
successfully canning fruit at home, plus we'll offer some tips on other
methods of preserving seasonal berries and fruit. Included in the price of
the class are all the canning materials and ingredients, handouts with
instructions, recipes and helpful tips, plus two quarter-pints of jam to
take home.

Meeting Facilitation workshop with Tree Bressen 5/22


Workshop Description: Did you facilitate the monthly meeting only to
freeze like a deer in the headlights when a conflict came up or someone
acted inappropriately? This workshop will cover the essentials of what every
meeting facilitator needs to know. After briefly reviewing basic principles,
we'll practice skills such as summarizing, how to intervene when someone is
speaking too long, handling conflicts, and other situations as brought
forward by workshop participants. This is a highly interactive
workshop--come try out these key skills in a safe and supportive

Two workshops on Understanding Islam & the Middle East - May 6-7

The City of Portland Office of Human Relations, Muslim Educational Trust & Portland Community College Office of Affirmative Action & Equity present two free workshops:

Polling, Demographics and Revolution in the Middle East
Friday, May 6th, 6:30-9:00 PM

Learn about the impetus behind the ongoing popular unrest and revolutions in the Middle East based on recent data from the region.

Teaching about World History, World Religions and Islam: Connected Histories and Historical Thinking
Saturday, May 7th, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Building Bridges, Managing Conflict: What We Can Learn from Neuroscience


A one-day training sponsored by the Oregon Mediation Association, Friday, June 17th, 2011,  8:00 a.m. – Networking & Check-in; 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Training

Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1624 NE Hancock, Portland

NASW CEUs and Oregon State Bar CLEs are pending.

Crash Course in Copywriting: Resonate with DREAMY Copy

SIGN UP HERE http://copywritingpt2.eventbrite.com/?ref=ebtn

Are you writing for the internet? From blogging to social media posts, find out how to resonate with an invisible audience. Next, you’ll discover how to write DREAMY copy that connects you with customers…and sales!

This is Part 2 of the Crash Course in Copywriting series.Missed Part 1? No worries, come anyway. Each workshop is designed as a stand-alone crash course in copywriting. That means in just 2.5 hours you will learn the secrets to writing copy that grabs attention and drives sales.

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